• About Oriveda

      Oriveda's focus is on selling well-researched mushroom extracts of superior quality. We have been in business since 2010.

      We are providing our customers with the best possible products, value-for-money and service. Based in The Netherlands, we are serving customers worldwide through a network of local distributors.

      Our business is based on common sense and pragmatism. Quality claims should be backed up with hard facts.

      This seems self-evident, but in fact there are very few sellers that can show you objective proof of their claimed quality and safety. The harsh truth is that most sellers prefer to invest in marketing, not in good products or quality control.
      Recent research found that ± 89% of supplements do not contain what is claimed on the label and many contain prohibited ingredients.
      Our products are tested by independent third party laboratories, not just for safety but in particular for mushroom-specific marker compounds.

      You don't have to take our word for it when we claim premium quality - you can actually verify it.

      We share all our test reports with our customers - check the link below.

      You should ask yourself why other vendors do not or use home-made/fake reports (no lab name on the report? Fake !)
      Make sure to check our FAQ, below.

      ORIVEDA is a registered brand name of ORIGO Holding BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Registered at the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce since 01-01-1997 - #66136016

    • FAQ - Ordering - Shipping


      All major regions have their own webshops. You will find the links elsewhere on this page.

      Bulk orders (1 kg of extract in capsules)
      are always shipped from The Netherlands and can only be ordered from the dedicated webshop. Prices are in USD and there's a 45% discount included in those prices.

      (prices are in USD and orders will be shipped from Europe for the time being.

      (prices are in Euro's and orders will be shipped from The Netherlands.)

      Australia / Asia (incl. M-East)/ Oceania
      (prices are in AUD and orders will be shipped from Australia)


      Shipping details etc. for your specific region can be found in the FAQ of the local webshop.

      For questions regarding the whereabouts of your order please use the contact form of the webshop from which you ordered:

    • FAQ - Mushrooms





    Please check the FAQ (above) before asking your questions!

oriveda mushroom supplements