• Frequently Asked Questions •
• All ORIVEDA® products including the restricted 'novel foods' are available again for all customers, worldwide. ('Novel foods' is referring to Cordyceps, Turkey Tail and Lion's Mane, which are restricted and cannot be sold within the EU.)
• Shipping times increased. Our mail planes fly twice a week to the EU and the US, usually on Tuesday/Friday.
Meaning, if your order arrives with us on Friday, it will fly on Tuesday and will probably be processed by the local postal service on Wednesday or Thursday. Until then the scanning will show "USPS Currently Awaiting Package” or an equivalent.
Our mail planes fly twice a week to the EU and the US, usually on Tuesday/Friday.
Meaning, if your order arrives with us on Friday, it will fly on Tuesday and will probably be processed by the local postal service on Wednesday or Thursday.
Until then the tracking will return no results or e.g. "USPS Currently Awaiting Package” or an equivalent. But no worries, your parcel is on its way!
A great source of objective and easy to follow information is this website.. Our main portal has more links to educational content and research and background.
But don't be deceived by online marketing and anekdotes - mushroom extracts are not magic cures.
In general your natural immunity will start declining after that age. Chronic stress will also cause this. A higher dosage of 2 or 3 times the usual dosage is recommended in that case since the effects are dose-dependent.
Caffeine blocks the receptors for adenosine/cordycepin. These are powerful compounds, unique for Cordyceps. Wait at least 45 min. before drinking coffee or black tea.
This recommendation is not applicable to alcohol extracted Lion 's Mane, because that extract is optimized for the alcohol-solubles and is best taken with food.
The main active ingredient of most medicinal mushroom extracts are water-soluble beta-glucans, though. These are very large macro-molecules with a high molecular weight; in fact a type of dietary fiber.
When taken orally, intestinal absorptive cells (enterocytes) facilitate the transportation of beta-glucans and similar compounds across the intestinal cell wall into the lymph, where they begin to interact with receptors of the immune system, activating a wide spectrum of immunological effects.
Due to their huge size beta-glucans do not pass the intestinal wall easily. To increase the chances of beta-glucan entering the blood-stream it's common sense to have as little 'competition' as possible present. So no solid foods or fiber-rich smoothies !
Research found that the absorption / therapeutic effect of beta-glucans is improved when combined with vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The type or amount is not important: 20 - 50mg of the cheapest type will do. See e.g. this article - a Google search for 'beta-glucan vitamin C' will return many more results. Combining the intake with fresh juice containing vitamin C is also okay!
Vitamin C will also improve the absorption of iron.
In general mushroom extracts do not have side effects themselves - they are nutraceuticals, meaning 'food with therapeutic potential'. People in general have no side effects when consuming their food, but as usual, there are always some exceptions due to genetic programming. Everybody is different!
This question is rooted in fear. Products from China cannot be trusted or are even dangerous is the underlying message. The facts are this.
First of all, all mushroom extracts are from China. The Chinese have been the undisputed masters of mushroom cultivation for over 1000 years. On top of that, there are no extraction facilities outside of SE-Asia.
The lack of contamination such as heavy metals defines the safety of a product. And specific marker compounds define the potency of the product; compounds such as beta-glucan, cordycepin and polyphenols. These two aspects together define the objective quality, not the geographical location.
Marketing planted the idea that it matters where the mushrooms have been sourced. Like, Siberian Chaga is always best, Japanese Reishi is always preferable, Chinese mushrooms are always best avoided, etc...
But this is misleading, steering people away from the actual objective quality markers. It is just marketing.
Check our test reports if you want to validate our quality and safety claims - you can find them here. The finished products are tested in US-laboratories for potency and safety.